Do you need a WordPress security plugin?
For website owners, the security of their WordPress websites is an important factor to consider. High authority websites can receive thousands of visits a day, so it is crucial the website stays up and running without any security breaches. In this article, we will share some tips on whether you should consider adding a WordPress security plugin to your website and what can go wrong if you do.
Starter theme for Bootstrap fans: UnderStrap
You know and love Boostrap, the state-of-the-art front-end framework. It is known for its ease of use and packed with customizable features. However, many Bootstrap fans might not know about UnderStrap, which is a new WordPress starter theme framework that is based on Bootstrap and Underscores.
All About Gutenberg for WordPress
For all WordPress users, the introduction of Gutenberg on WordPress presents a brand-new way of editing written content. Similar to the original Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press which revolutionized the book publishing industry, the WordPress version of Gutenberg is designed to bring change to the WordPress publishing experience by redefining how blogs are written and published.
Choosing a caching plugin: the top 3 picks for your WordPress site
When your visitors are viewing your WordPress site, do they experience excessive load times? If so, you could find your Google search rank lowering and experience reduced traffic. Visitors are more likely to exit your page if it is slow to load.
Installing a caching plugin is a low-cost, easy to use solution for a lagging, slow-loading site.
WordPress SEO Plugins Comparison
Optimizing a WordPress site for SEO can be confusing and frustrating for beginners — sometimes even experts. There are numerous WordPress SEO plugins available to help with various aspects of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
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